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Mama Bears Be(A)ware


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Toxic Chemicals

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Be Vigilant


Who and What Threatens You and Your Children

​Evils lurk everywhere, don't be caught off guard.

​Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), vigilant and cautious at all times; Your enemy the devil prowls around like a lion, roaring in fierce hunger, looking for someone to seize upon and devour.  1 Peter 5:8

The enemy is after all of us but especially our children,

as a parent it is your responsibility to be aware of his wiles.

Our nation is becoming sicker with each generation.  We live in a fallen world but I would venture to say that never before have we declined so dramatically and at such rapid speed in our health outcomes.  

We have gone from a mostly healthy, strong, vibrant, sane, Judeo-Christian culture to one that is unrecognizable as such and is sick in every way imaginable.  We only need eyes to see it.

Chronic disease and sickness has descended on us like an invisible plague or leprosy and is causing a rapid decay in our spirits, minds and bodies.

Mental health disorders and chronic disease are rampant among children and adults.  Pharmaceutical drugs are being prescribed like they are candy to the old and the young alike.  All the while nutrition is ignored and the government subsidizes genetically modified, glyphosate riddled, commercial crops that are then used to manufacture the unlimitless supply of highly processed "food" that is void of nutrition and laced with poisonous chemicals that the FDA claims to be "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS).  
Medical studies are flawed and revealed only when they are in the best interests of the food and pharmaceutical companies.  

This, along with flouride and other extremely harmful chemicals in our drinking water, plastics, and forever chemicals in our cleaning products, air fresheners, clothing and literally throughout our entire environment provide and the recipe for disastrous health. 

I have been studying health and nutrition for the past 35 plus years. I may not be a doctor but I certainly can attest to what I have seen with my own two eyes. After working many years in a pharmacy and in the home health care industry I witnessed astounding things that I wish were not true.  

Those experiences along with my personal journey of having a child with Down syndrome who is now 19 has made me an expert Mama Bear.  

My daughter had a host of chronic medical issues that were able to be resolved due to diligent research, an entirely 100% organic whole food diet from birth and the choice to remove all toxic substances from her environment (choices that were unpopular at the time).  She may still have the "diagnosis" but no longer suffering from the severe chronic symptoms.  Praise God! See Samantha's Story for an overview of her medical history.

Vaccines: What you need to know

What is lurking in your Drinking Water

Organic vs Conventional

 Information on these topics and so much more is coming soon!

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